Corrugated fence, part 3

One of the items the birthday bunny brought me this week was the Walthers corrugated fence kit. While looking at the kit I thought I might be able to use the wall as a template. So I could turn this,


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Into this,


Using these,


The piece on the right is my solid 90 degree steel weight. I used it to press the aluminum nice and flat. Then I used the wall as a template to press the indentations into the aluminum with the wooden handle of a paint brush. Better than free handing it.

I then glued the fence to the frame in the kit with CA and used white glue to attach the entire piece into a piece of white poster board as a backing. The poster board won’t be seen.

Another different idea was using Hob-E-Tac instead of white glue to attach the brush and other growth. It takes about 10 minutes to dry tacky and then it’s just a matter of pressing the small clumps into place.


The final result looks pretty good.




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